miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013


Un microrrelato es una construcción literaria narrativa distinta de la novela o el cuento. Es la denominación más usada para un conjunto de obras diversas cuya principal característica es la brevedad de su contenido.

Será mi amanecer

Será el amanecer el que llene tu vida, cada día cuando despiertes sentirás mientras que el agua recorre tu piel, el gran número de emociones que te traerán la alegría de vivir, cuando mires a tu alrededor te impregnarás de recuerdos pasados. Pero no te olvides amigo que cuando nos abracemos nos derretiremos en uno y eso es lo importante de verdad, porque me trasladaré con ese recuerdo hasta allí.


The ''microrrelato'' is a literary construction narrative different from the novel or the story. It is the name most used for a set of diverse works which principal characteristic is the briefness of his content.

It will be my dawn

It will be the dawn the one that fills your life, every day when you wake up you will feel whereas the water crosses your skin, the great number of emotions that will bring the happiness of living, when you look around you will impregnate yourself with past recollections.But do not forget friend that when we embrace each other we will melt in one and it is the important thing indeed, because I will move with this recollection up to there.

9 comentarios:

  1. Your post is really nice, but you have to talk about battering.

  2. You should talk about battering. I love the background music and the mouse cursor. Good job Paula!

  3. I agree with AleMerca....and , of course with Raquel...besides there must be a conflict to build a "NARRATIVE BEING"!!!!... Anyway...congratulations on your deed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I really like your post. The music is so nice!

  5. i like your song and also your post, good blog paula!

  6. post is good but the blog is incompleted,you can be better,good job!

  7. I agree with Ale and you can use more colours too!!
