lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014



El río Okavango es un largo río africano, que nace en la meseta de Bié,  en una zona bastante lluviosa, y que tras un recorrido de casi 1.000 km penetra en una cuenca endorreica, ya en Botsuana, donde ha formado una extensa región aluvional impropiamente denominada y conocida en todo el mundo como el delta del Okavango. Como desemboca en una zona con un clima muy árido, se trata de un río alóctono, llamamos así a los rios que incorporan nutrientes y materiales a un ecosistema procedentes del exterior de éste. 


 El leopardo, el príncipe de los predadores, es un cazador solitario muy difícil de observar, ya que vive en casi cualquier hábitat, caza de noche y se esconde a dormir durante el día en las ramas de los árboles, en muchos casos grandes y de espeso follaje que los ocultan completamente, salvo para un observador avezado. Puesto que no hay muchos y están localizados, hay que confiar en los guías locales para encontrarlos.



The river Okavango is a long African river, which it is born in Bié's plateau, in a rainy enough zone, and that after a tour of almost 1.000 km penetrates in a basin, already in Botswana, where it has formed an extensive region aluvional improperly called and known in the whole world as the delta of the Okavango. Since it ends in a zone with a very arid climate, it is a question of a river alóctono, we call this way to the rivers that incorporate nutrients and materials into an ecosystem proceeding from the exterior of this one.


 The leopard, the prince of the predators, is a solitary hunter very difficult to observe, since it lives in almost any habitat, hunts by night and hides to sleeping during the day in the branches of the trees, in many big cases and of thick foliage that they them conceal completely, except for an accustomed observer. Since there are no many and they are located, it is necessary to trust in the local guides to find them.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paula...I want to talk to you...please find me in the staff room as soon as possible!!. You must try to explain why the new name of the blog. Check the task over Okabango must answer the question display in the task... You must give me your self-portrait in a pen drive and include 3 links, tags and a different welcoming message.. Your post on the film "El por qué de las cosas "is missing!!!
    You must mend your BLOG LIST and please
    REMOVE YOUR PICTURE FROM YOUR PROFILE and replace it with something that represents you!!!

  2. Paula.... still waiting for YOUR GADGETS!!!! In this post you must explain what " ALOCTON RIVER AND ENDORREIC RIVER IS".....
