jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Naturaleza florida!!!!!!!

El Valle del Jerte es una comarca de ExtremaduraEspaña. Está situada en su extremo nororiental y limita al norte con las provincias de Ávila y Salamanca, al oeste con la comarca del Ambroz, por el Sur con la ciudad de Plasencia y al este con la comarca de la Vera.

El Valle del Jerte se encuentra entre dos cadenas montañosas dentro del macizo de Gredos: la Sierra de Tormantos al sureste y los montes de Traslasierra y sierra de Béjar al noroeste. Desde Córdoba a Valle del Jerte hay una distancia de unos 420km.

El Valle del Jerte está formado por once municipios, agrupados en la Mancomunidad de Municipios del Valle del Jerte, que se reparten de forma desigual la población vallense, que consta aproximadamente de unos 13.000 habitantes 

 Lo más especial de este lugar es lo que ocurre entre el 20 de marzo al 10 de abril cuando todas las colinas se llenan de flores blancas, a lo que se le llama esto se llama ''la floración de lo cerezos''. Este espectáculo solo ocurre una vez al año y duró unos pocos de días, por lo tanto nadie se cansa de verlo.

Además allí podemos realizar actividades de turismo por unas rutas con una vegetación impresionante ll
eno de cascadas y fauna, donde pasar un buen rato y conocer más vegetación.

Valle del Jerte is a region of Extremadura, Spain . It is located in the northeast corner and bordered to the north by the provinces of Ávila and Salamanca , west to the region of Ambroz, on the south by the city of Plasencia and east by the district of Vera.

Valle del Jerte lies between two mountain ranges in the Gredos massif : Sierra Tormantos the southeast and the mountains of Sierra de Béjar Traslasierras and northwest . From Cordoba to Valle del Jerte is a distance of about 420km .

Valle del Jerte consists of eleven municipalities , grouped in the Association of Municipalities Valley Parks , spread unevenly the Valls population, which consists of approximately 13,000 inhabitants

 The special thing about this place is what happens between March 20 to April 10, when all the hills are filled with flowers balncas , what is called bloom of cherry . This show only happens once a year and hard few days , so no one gets tired of seeing it.

We may also tourism activities there for a few routes with stunning waterfalls full of vegetation and fauna, which have a good time and meet new vegetation.

13 comentarios:

  1. I love the song we listen while we are reading your blog!!

  2. Your blog is fantastic Pauliii, you have a lot of information and you use beautiful colours! I like it!!!!! good job!!!

  3. I really like your post and your music is nice!!

  4. I really like the song of your post

  5. your post is very nice, keep it up.

  6. good post but you should put more pictures!!

  7. I like your post. Good colour. I like your playlist is very original. Good job Paula!

  8. I really like your post Pau, you have used beautiful colours and also it has a nice song

  9. I agree about the song choice!!! It matches the post....Anyway, Paula try to answer all the questions I required in my post!!!

  10. No its a bit long nowhere you have much information

  11. too much information..try to sumarize it, but great music, no doubt

  12. Good job but you have got a lot of information i like the music

  13. I really like your blog pau:) I think it is very completely
